Ask Ethel
Get the scoop on all cannabis-related questions from Arkansas’ expert advice columnist, Ethel Mertz.
By Ethel Mertz
Photography By Ebony Blevins

Consider me your modern-day Ethel Mertz from “I Love Lucy.” I want to be your friend, your confidante, and a guide to all your cannabis-related questions.
Dear Ethel,
I have pain from arthritis that has been difficult to treat. A nurse recommended medical marijuana but I don’t know the first thing about it. Where do I even start?
Cannabis Confused
Dear Cannabis Confused,
Thank you so much for reaching out. I’m happy to help demystify the process for you, so here’s the scoop: Any physician can prescribe medical marijuana for your diagnosis, but it is entirely possible that your regular PCP (Primary Care Physician) may not be comfortable with that path regarding your wellness, and that is for good reason.
Either the institution they work with/for is not comfortable prescribing medical marijuana, or they themselves are not familiar enough with it to prescribe it for your condition. That said, there are many cannabis-friendly physicians in the state who have made it their life’s work to understand plant medicine, the endocannabinoid system as it relates to you and your body, and how to succinctly prescribe medical marijuana for your condition.
I know it sometimes feels burdensome to find the right physician for you, not only in your area, but also who suits you best. The Ask Ethel website has a link to the ADH (Arkansas Department of Health) page for your certification paperwork. I’ve put together a handy list of medical marijuana-friendly doctors for you to choose from below. Good luck!
Dear Ethel,
I was diagnosed with glaucoma and prescribed medical marijuana by my physician. Does the application cost money? How long will it take to receive my card and how long is it good for?
Impatient Patient
Dear Impatient Patient,
I hear you. First, the nonrefundable application processing fee is $50. You can access the application on the ADH website. To apply, your doctor will need to fill out a Physician Written Certification form if he or she hasn’t already.
Application processing time is up to 14 days after you submit your application and payment. After your application is reviewed, you will receive an email instructing you to log back in and print your card.
While the ADH is working diligently to ensure that the 14-day window is adhered to, please be patient (I know that’s hard for you). For some, it has taken a little longer than two weeks. Once you receive it, your registry identification card will be valid for up to one year from the date it was issued unless your physician designates it for a shorter period of time.
Do you have a question for Ethel?
Let us know and your question may be answered in a future post.

“There are many cannabis-friendly physicians in the state who have made it their life’s work to understand plant medicine.”